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Band of Brothers...

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
                    Ephesians 6:11

This quote from William Shakespeare’s “Henry V” and the title of the HBO mini-series conveys the bond between soldiers and other men. We have chosen this phrase to describe our goal as Christian men to become a Band of Brothers!  Our mission, to build a group of strong men committed to Christ, their families and their fellow man.  

In this world of instant gratification and independence, men have forgotten the need for social fellowship. While church attendances continue to diminish we find ourselves separated from the one thing each of us needs… the camaraderie of Christian men in our lives.

Our Men’s Group is not a Sunday school class consisting of a teacher and students, but rather an open forum to discuss present day issues. Each week we will tackle the problems plaguing Christian men and explore the answers from a biblical perspective. Our hope is that men will come together to share their thoughts, trials, tribulations, and wisdom. We have a saying… ”What is said in Men’s Group  - stays in Men’s Group!”  This principle of trust is the bond that binds us together giving each of us the confidence to step out and depend on one another. Our group is open to the existing brother in Christ and to the unbeliever who is seeking the Lord.


Our prayer is that all of us will have the confidence to be bold in Christ. Not out of pride but the trust we have in Jesus Christ. That each of us would put on the full armor of God and stand together in battle as a Band of Brothers!


Band of Brothers (B.O.B) meets Wednesday nights at 6:15pm in the B.O.B room behind the fellowship hall. Our meetings run approximately for about an hour+ and run from September thru May. Please join us as we come together as imperfect men attempting to grow in the Lord and in friendships!





Living the Call Together!

© 2025 by Girard Alliance Church

229 Rice Avenue  Girard Pennsylvania 16417  USA

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